Kibira National Park In Burundi — Kubwa Five Safaris

Joseph Aliganyira
2 min readMar 14, 2021


Overview of Kibira National Park

The Kibira National Park straddles four provinces in Burundi and has an area of 40 000 ha. It is composed of montane rain forest containing several vegetation strata: Entandrophragma excelsum and Parinari excelsa stands, Parinari excelsa var. holstii and Polyscias fulva stands, Polyscias fulva, Macaranga neomildreadiana and Syzygium parvifolium stands, Hagenia abyssinica and Faurea saligna secondary forest stands, Philippia benguelensis and Protea madiensis high-altitude stands on ridges, Arundinaria alpina (pure bamboo) stands, stands along thalwegs and stands formed by recolonization of previously cultivated and grazed land. It is a zone rich in both animal and plant biodiversity: 644 plant species have been found in the park, as well as about 98 species of mammal (primates, servals, African civets, etc.). Bird life is also rich and varied, with 43 families and more than 200 species identified.

More than three-quarters of the water in the country’s largest dam — providing more than 50 percent of the hydroelectric energy consumed — comes from this forest. Thus the park, situated as it is on the Congo-Nile ridge, plays a fundamental role in regulating the hydro-logical system and protecting against soil erosion.

Kibira National park is home to thousands of species of fauna and flora, many of which are endemic to the area.


There are 98 species of mammals in the forest.

Kibira National Park is home to a number of primate species, including chimpanzees, colobus monkeys (black and white).


There are 200 species of birds have been recorded. The park is home for birds such as great blue turaco, mountain buzzard, white spotted flufftail, grey parrot , bar tailed trogon and black and white casqued hornbill.

Kibira National Park is such a dense rainforest area, it means that there is heavy rainfall-especially during the summer season. The dry season is the best time of year to visit, which is December to January. The shorter rains occur from September to November, also a good time of year to visit.

Where To Stay:

There is no accommodation in the national park. On the outskirts of the park, close to both entrances, there are clusters of hotels and resorts. Resorts tend to be more luxurious and offer amenities such as swimming pools and entertainment areas. There tend to be a number of more budget eco-lodges and small hotels, which offer just the basics.

Originally published at



Joseph Aliganyira

I'm a team leader at Kubwa Five Safaris, we give a tourist(s) the adventure of a lifetime by sharing the natural wonders Africa has to offer.